You’re A Classy Guy, Christian Bale, Part 2

Looks like actor and The Dark Knight Rises star Christian Bale is making time for his fans once again. You might recall that Mr. Bale visited hospitalized victims and medical personal in the wake of the Aurora Movie Theater shootings back in July. Now it looks like he’s there for a young fan whose dying wish was to meet Batman.

The photo above is Christian Bale with young Jayden Barber, a five-year-old from Youngstown, Ohio who was recently diagnosed in the final stages of bone marrow cancer. Despite putting up a brave fight through chemotherapy, Jayden developed another form of cancer, and this past July doctors told his parents that there was not much more they could do, and that Jayden had only five to six weeks before he would be bedridden for the final six months of his young life.

Jayden’s parents quite naturally wanted to make Jayden’s life as happy and comfortable as possible, and they started checking things off his bucket list, which included a puppy and a wish to meet Batman. The town of Youngstown pulled out all the stops, and 30,000 people joined a Facebook movement called “Lighting The Bat Signal For Jayden.” At a local football filed Jayden got his wish to light the Bat Signal and he even got to ride in the Batmobile! But due to prior commitments, Christian Bale could not attend the event.

So instead Mr. Christian Bale flew Jayden and his family out to Los Angeles last week to join him for lunch and an day at Disney’s Club 33. And while Jayden got his wish to meet Batman, the best news was yet to come when doctors determined that his cancer is in remission.

Now I’m not saying that Batman kicked cancer’s ass, but still… But what I am saying, as I have said at least once before in the past, you’re a classy guy, Christian Bale!

About Stephen Kelly Creative

Hi, I'm Stephen Kelly, a writer, editor, photographer and graphic designer living in beautiful San Francisco, CA, USA. Amongst the things I love are writing, photography, movies, music, fitness, travel, Batman, all things Australian, food and fun, all of which I hope to reflect in this here blog. Welcome aboard ... now let's get busy!
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20 Responses to You’re A Classy Guy, Christian Bale, Part 2

  1. drewpan says:

    They say that a strong will to live and hope are important elements to fighting disease and cancer, and I can’t help but wonder if stuff like that (not just Christian Bale’s actions, but that of the entire town too) helped little Jayden’s body get the motivation to fight the cancer and get well.

    Either way, it’s great news!

    • Hey Drew! I’m with you on that. I’m a firm believer in the power of positivity, and that’s the first thing I thought of when I read that he is now in remission … that’s a lot of good vibes and happy karma being sent his way! Powerful things can happen when the mind and body team up!

  2. I’m all weepy. Damn.

  3. Angeline M says:

    God, he is a classy guy…..First Class!

  4. Aww…. this is touching….

  5. It does seem to go beyond just the desire for some free publicity, doesn’t it? And yes, cancers do seem sometimes to respond to an almost magical effect produced by strong life forces, I’ve read that before. What a story!

    • I believe that Christian bale does these things because he really does care. A guy of his stature doesn’t need free publicity, and he doesn’t seem to be the type of guy who seeks it. And I believe that his positive efforts, coupled with the love and support young Jayden has gotten from his family and his town, helped put his cancer into remission. That type of overwhelming positivity is one of the most powerful forces on earth.

  6. Paula says:

    I saw your poll 😀 How come nobody voted for Oprah? 😀 😀 Where is the first part of this story? I feel right to read the first part first…

  7. Paula says:

    Read it now, thank you Stephen, I wish this little boy a miracle…

  8. Madhu says:

    I wish for a miracle too.

  9. The Guat says:

    Great story. I love it. I love that Bale flew them out, what a great photo too. Yup Bale is definitely classy and awesome. Nice post.

    • Hey there Quat … thanks for stopping by. I’m not one to fawn over celebrities, especially since most of them are selfish jerks. But I think it’s cool that Christian Bale does these types of things. As you said … classy!

  10. Pingback: Batkid Saves San Francisco! | Stephen Kelly Creative

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