Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Blue

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With the abrupt, unfortunate end of WordPress’ Weekly Photo Challenge, my blog friend Patti Moed and others have taken up the photography challenge mantle with their new weekly Lens-Artist Challenge, and here’s my first contribution. This week’s theme is blue and this shot was taken in San Francisco’s City Hall on a cold, overcast winter’s day. That’s enough to give anyone the blues!
Check out other takes on the Blue theme at Patti’s blog.

About Stephen Kelly Creative

Hi, I'm Stephen Kelly, a writer, editor, photographer and graphic designer living in beautiful San Francisco, CA, USA. Amongst the things I love are writing, photography, movies, music, fitness, travel, Batman, all things Australian, food and fun, all of which I hope to reflect in this here blog. Welcome aboard ... now let's get busy!
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14 Responses to Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Blue

  1. Tina Schell says:

    Excellent choice Stephen!

  2. Just lovely, and very dramatic, Stephen! I’m glad to know you ‘re still around the blogosphere. I myself have been very lazy in the past year or two, only posting the occasional poem instead of writing literary articles as I used to do, but I hope to pick up some again soon. I’ve always looked forward to seeing your wonderful shots of S.F, Japan, and etc. Keep up the good work.

    • Hello, Victoria! Nice to hear from you after so much time! Like you, I’ve been lazy/busy when it comes to maintaining my blog, but this new photo challenge has given me a chance to reappear! I hope to stay consistent. Cheers!

  3. Heyjude says:

    This is a wonderful shot. I have been inside the City Hall and it is a fabulous building. I even have photos of this window, but not that incredible blue light.

  4. So blue and fair a photo I have not seen

  5. restlessjo says:

    I’ve got the blues too, Stephen. 🙂 🙂

  6. Jane Lurie says:

    One of my favorite windows. Excellent image, Stephen.

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